Press Releases

Elevate Your Event: The Power of Exhibitors, Sponsors, and Vendors

The Utah Valley Convention Center (UVCC) is a premier event space designed to host a wide range of gatherings, from trade shows and conferences to conventions and galas. But a successful event goes beyond just the venue.

Partnering with exhibitors, sponsors, and vendors is an essential ingredient to take your event to the next level. This collaboration offers a win-win situation for both the event organizer and the participating businesses.

In this article, we will delve into the numerous benefits of having exhibitors, sponsors, and vendors at your event. We will also explore strategies to ensure these partners get the most out of their investment, fostering a successful and mutually beneficial experience.

Benefits for Event Organizers

There are numerous advantages to incorporating exhibitors, sponsors, and vendors into your event at the UVCC. Before we get into the benefits, let us talk about some quick differences between these types of event attendees:

These terms all refer to participants at events, but they have distinct roles:


  • Rent booth space at a trade show or conference.
  • Focus on directly interacting with attendees to showcase products, services, or generate leads.
  • Usually have representatives present to answer questions, demonstrate products, and collect contact information.
  • May or may not pay a sponsorship fee in addition to the booth rental.



  • Provide financial or in-kind support to the event organizer.
  • Gain brand exposure through logo placement, mentions in marketing materials, or speaking opportunities.
  • The level of sponsorship determines the benefits, like premium booth location, access to attendee lists, or inclusion in event signage.
  • Not all sponsors have a physical presence at the event.



  • Sell products or services directly to attendees, often at a designated area within the event.
  • This term is broader and can encompass exhibitors selling products, but may also include food vendors or service providers with on-site sales.

Here are some key reasons why they are so important to a successful and profitable event:

  • Enhanced Attendee Experience: Exhibitors showcase products and services relevant to your event theme, providing attendees with valuable resources and interactive experiences. Sponsorships elevate the event’s production value, potentially allowing for better speakers, entertainment, or amenities. Vendors offering food and beverages add convenience and create a more vibrant atmosphere.

  • Financial Support: Sponsorships can provide a significant financial boost, offsetting event costs and allowing you to invest in a more impactful experience. Exhibitor fees can further contribute to your budget, enabling you to secure a venue like the UVCC or offer additional attendee benefits, such as upgraded meal options or audio visual equipment.

  • Increased Marketing Reach: Sponsors often receive prominent branding opportunities at the event, through pre-event promotion, and even on-site signage. This expands the event’s marketing reach, attracting a wider audience of potential attendees interested in the brands involved.

  • Industry Expertise: Exhibitors and sponsors often bring valuable industry expertise to the table. They can contribute to the event’s content by participating in workshops or panel discussions, fostering a more informative and engaging event for attendees.

  • Networking Opportunities: Events create a natural environment for networking. Exhibitors connect directly with potential customers, sponsors gain exposure to a targeted audience, and attendees can forge valuable business relationships. The UVCC’s well-designed spaces facilitate these connections, providing areas for casual interaction and dedicated meeting rooms.

Pro Tip: Consider offering exhibitors and sponsors access to post-event data reports. This demonstrates the value they received from their participation and strengthens the partnership for future events.

Benefits for Your Exhibitors, Sponsors, and Vendors

Partnering with your event at the UVCC offers numerous advantages for exhibitors, sponsors, and vendors as well. Here is a breakdown of the key benefits they enjoy and reasons they might prioritize attending your event:

  • Targeted Lead Generation: Events attract a concentrated audience with a specific interest in your industry or niche. This provides a valuable opportunity to generate qualified leads and build relationships with potential customers.

  • Brand Awareness and Exposure: Exhibiting or sponsoring allows you to showcase your brand and products to a large, targeted audience in a short timeframe. The UVCC’s central location and modern facilities provide an ideal platform to make a lasting impression.

  • Market Research and Feedback: Events offer valuable insights into market trends and competitor activity. You can gather feedback directly from attendees, allowing you to refine your offerings and marketing strategies.

  • Relationship Building: Events create opportunities to network with potential partners, industry influencers, and other businesses.

Helping Exhibitors Get Their Money’s Worth

Now that we have established the mutual benefits of collaboration, let us explore how you, as the event organizer, can ensure exhibitors and sponsors feel they have received a valuable return on their investment. Here are some key strategies:

  • Targeted Marketing: Promote your event effectively through targeted channels like industry publications, online communities, and social media platforms relevant to the exhibitors’ target audience. This ensures you attract the right exhibitors who will connect with the attendees they seek.

  • Clear Communication: Provide clear communication regarding sponsorship and exhibitor packages. Clearly outline the benefits offered at each tier, including branding opportunities, lead generation resources, and access to attendees.

  • Pre-Event Support: Offer support and resources to help exhibitors prepare for the event. This could include providing booth design guidelines, lead capture tools, and information on the UVCC’s facilities and services.

  • Engaging Event Format: Design an event format that fosters attendee interaction with exhibitors and sponsors. Consider incorporating interactive workshops, product demonstrations, or dedicated networking sessions within the event schedule. Hosting meals, breaks, or receptions will also encourage engagement between attendees and exhibitors and sponsors.

  • Post-Event Follow-Up: Following the event, provide exhibitors and sponsors with a report on event attendance, lead generation data, and any media coverage generated. This demonstrates the value they received from their participation.

By implementing these strategies, you create a win-win situation, ensuring a successful event for both you and your partners. The UVCC’s experienced staff can further assist you in planning and executing these strategies, making your event a resounding success for all involved.

Conclusion: A Collaborative Advantage

In conclusion, incorporating exhibitors, sponsors, and vendors into your event at the Utah Valley Convention Center is a strategic decision that elevates the attendee experience, boosts your marketing reach, and provides valuable financial support. For exhibitors, sponsors, and vendors, participating in your event translates to targeted lead generation, brand awareness, and valuable networking opportunities.

By prioritizing clear communication, targeted marketing, and an engaging event format, you can ensure all parties involved get the most out of the collaboration. When you prioritize the success of your partners, you create a dynamic and mutually beneficial event experience.

The UVCC’s commitment to providing a state-of-the-art venue, coupled with their experienced staff’s expertise, makes them the ideal partner for creating a successful and impactful event. Whether you are hosting a trade show, conference, or any other gathering, partnering with exhibitors, sponsors, and vendors at the UVCC can make your event truly exceptional.

Ready to take your event to the next level? Contact the Utah Valley Convention Center today to discuss your vision and explore how their team can help you create a collaborative event that exceeds all expectations.


Keeping Attendees Engaged During Your Meeting: A Guide for Event Success

The Utah Valley Convention Center (UVCC) understands the importance of fostering productive and engaging meetings. Whether you’re hosting a small board meeting or a large-scale conference, keeping your attendees tuned in can be a challenge. After all, distractions abound in today’s hyper-connected world. But fear not! This comprehensive guide offers a treasure trove of tactics to ensure your next event at UVCC is a captivating experience for all.

Planning for Engagement: Setting the Stage for Success

Long before attendees arrive at UVCC’s modern and versatile facilities, the seeds of engagement can be sown. Articulate a concise and compelling meeting objective in all your communications. Let attendees know what they will gain by participating. Develop a clear agenda that outlines the flow of information and includes specific timings for each segment. Consider sharing the agenda beforehand, allowing attendees to come prepared

Meeting Magic: Techniques to Keep Your Audience Captivated

Now that you’ve laid the groundwork, it’s time to translate your pre-meeting efforts into an engaging event. UVCC’s flexible meeting spaces allow you to implement these strategies seamlessly:

  • Variety is the Spice of Engagement: People get bored with long talks! Mix things up to keep them interested. Break up presentations with interactive activities, group discussions, case studies, or even short video clips. This not only keeps the energy high but also caters to different learning styles.
  • Embrace Audience Participation: Don’t just talk at your attendees, talk with them! Pose thought-provoking questions, incorporate breakout sessions for brainstorming, or use audience response systems to solicit real-time feedback. UVCC’s comfortable seating arrangements and collaborative spaces facilitate these interactions.
  • Visual Appeal is Key: Supplement your presentation with captivating visuals. Infographics, charts, and high-quality images and videos can enhance understanding and retention. Take advantage of UVCC’s high-definition projection systems to ensure everyone can see the details clearly.
  • Storytelling Power: Facts and figures are important, but stories resonate. Weave relatable anecdotes, case studies, or success stories into your presentation. This personal touch will grab attention and make your message more impactful.
  • Humor Me: A well-placed joke or lighthearted anecdote can go a long way in keeping the mood positive and attendees engaged. However, avoid humor that might be offensive or exclude certain demographics.


Optimizing Your Meeting Space at UVCC

UVCC doesn’t just provide a venue; it empowers you to create a truly engaging environment. Here are a few ways to leverage the space itself:

  • Strategic Seating: Opt for arrangements that encourage interaction, such as round tables or classroom tables. UVCC offers a plethora of seating configurations to suit your specific needs.
  • Natural Light Matters: Studies show access to natural light enhances focus and alertness. Many of UVCC’s meeting spaces boast large windows, allowing attendees to benefit from natural light’s positive effects. You can also utilize the UVCC’s rooftop Timpanogos Terrace for a meal or break service or even for a meeting session.
  • Temperature Control: An uncomfortably hot or cold environment can quickly zap attendees’ energy. UVCC’s sophisticated climate control systems ensure a comfortable and consistent temperature throughout your event.


Engaged Attendees, Successful Meetings: A Winning Formula

By implementing these strategies and capitalizing on UVCC’s exceptional facilities, you can ensure your next meeting is brimming with engagement and productivity. Remember, an engaged audience is an audience that retains information, collaborates effectively, and walks away feeling the meeting was a worthwhile investment of their time.

Use our Free Estimate Tool

Planning your event in Utah? Get an estimate from the Utah Valley Convention Center, a full-service venue management company specializing in sports, live entertainment, and hospitality.

Ready to Host an Unforgettable Event?

The Utah Valley Convention Center (UVCC) is dedicated to providing the perfect setting for your next meeting in Utah. Our commitment to cutting-edge technology, flexible spaces, and exceptional service ensures your event will be a resounding success. Contact UVCC today to discuss your specific needs and explore how we can help you create a truly engaging and unforgettable meeting experience. Let UVCC be the cornerstone of your next successful event!

Keeping the Momentum Going: Post-Meeting Engagement Strategies

A successful meeting doesn’t end when the final presentation concludes. Here are some strategies to extend the engagement beyond the walls of UVCC:

  • Post-Meeting Follow-Up: Send a concise email summarizing key takeaways, action items, and any resources shared during the meeting. Encourage attendees to stay connected by including links to relevant online materials or a collaborative workspace platform.
  • Social Media Recap: Share key points and highlights from the meeting on social media using the designated event hashtag. Post photos and videos to capture the event’s energy and encourage attendees to share their own experiences.
  • Survey for Feedback: Gather valuable insights by sending out a short post-meeting survey. Ask attendees about their experience, the level of engagement, and any suggestions for improvement. This feedback will be instrumental in planning even more successful meetings in the future.
  • Continued Collaboration: If your meeting aimed to address an ongoing project or initiative, leverage online collaboration tools to keep the momentum going. Platforms like shared documents, project management software, and communication channels can facilitate ongoing discussions and ensure everyone stays on the same page.

By implementing these post-meeting strategies, you ensure the valuable discussions and connections fostered at UVCC continue to bear fruit long after the event concludes.

Conclusion: The UVCC Advantage

The Utah Valley Convention Center (UVCC) understands that a successful meeting hinges on attendee engagement. We go beyond simply providing a venue; we offer a comprehensive solution to create a dynamic and interactive event experience. From our state-of-the-art facilities and cutting-edge technology to our experienced event staff and commitment to exceptional service, UVCC empowers you to craft a meeting that is not only productive but truly unforgettable.

Ready to transform your next meeting into an engaging masterpiece? Contact UVCC today! We look forward to partnering with you to create a successful and impactful event.

Press Releases

Hosting and Planning a Corporate Holiday Party: A Guide for Building Team Spirit

The holiday season is a time for joy, celebration, and expressing gratitude. As an HR department or team leader, you have the fantastic opportunity to create a memorable experience for your colleagues by hosting a corporate holiday party. This event fosters team spirit, strengthens relationships, and shows appreciation for everyone’s hard work throughout the year. But planning a successful corporate holiday party requires careful consideration and organization. Fear not! This comprehensive guide will walk you through every step of the process, ensuring your party is a festive and fun-filled event everyone will enjoy.

Hosting a Corporate Holiday Party

Setting the Stage: Budget, Dates, and Inclusivity

  • Budgeting for Fun: Before diving headfirst into party planning, establish a realistic budget. Consider what your company can comfortably allocate and prioritize spending based on guest count, venue rental, catering, decorations, and entertainment.
  • Scheduling Savvy: Pick a date and time that works for most employees. Avoid scheduling during peak holiday travel times or religious holidays. Consider a weekend evening or a weekday after work hours to maximize attendance.
  • Inclusivity is Key: Remember, the holiday season embraces a variety of traditions and beliefs. Opt for a general winter wonderland theme or a year-end celebration to ensure everyone feels welcome.

Finding the Perfect Venue: Location, Location, Location

The venue significantly impacts the overall atmosphere of your party. Here are some key factors to consider:

  • Size Matters: Choose a space that comfortably accommodates your expected guest count. Don’t forget to factor in space for catering stations, a dance floor (if applicable), and areas for socializing.
  • Location, Location, Location: Consider a venue that’s easily accessible for most employees. Ample parking or convenient public transportation options are a plus. The Utah Valley Convention Center boasts a central location in Utah County, with spacious halls and nearby parking, making it a perfect choice for companies throughout the region.
  • Venue Amenities: Explore venues that offer catering services or partnerships with local restaurants. Inquire about audio/visual equipment rentals, stage availability (if you plan on having entertainment), and accessibility features for guests with disabilities.

Planning your holiday party near Provo, Utah?

Use the free estimate tool from Utah Valley Convention Center!

Delectable Delights: Food and Beverage Planning

Food and drinks are a cornerstone of any successful party. Here are some tips for catering to diverse tastes and needs:

  • Dietary Diversity: Accommodate a variety of dietary restrictions by offering vegetarian, vegan, and gluten-free options. Consider including signage with ingredient lists to avoid any allergen concerns.
  • Festive Feasts: Incorporate seasonal dishes and beverages wherever possible. Offer themed cocktails or mocktails alongside classic refreshments.
  • Sweet Treats: Don’t forget dessert! A beautifully decorated dessert table with cookies, pies, or cakes adds a touch of festivity.


Festive Fun and Entertainment: Activities for All

Plan engaging activities to keep the party lively and encourage interaction amongst colleagues. Here are some ideas to spark your creativity:

  • Games Galore: Set up classic games like board games, a photo booth with fun props, or even a holiday-themed trivia contest.
  • Live Entertainment: Consider hiring a live band, DJ, or a comedian to add some excitement to the evening.
  • Giving Back Together: Incorporate a charitable element by collecting donations for a local cause or organizing a volunteer activity during the party.


Spreading Holiday Cheer: Decorations and Ambiance

The right decorations set the mood for your party. Here’s how to create a festive atmosphere:

  • Thematic Touches: Choose decorations that complement your chosen theme, whether it’s a winter wonderland, a festive lights extravaganza, or a cozy holiday atmosphere.
  • Lighting the Way: Warm lighting creates a more inviting environment. Fairy lights, strategically placed lamps, and candles (with proper safety measures) can add a touch of magic.
  • Festive Music: Create a festive playlist featuring classic holiday music or upbeat party tunes to get everyone in the holiday spirit.


The Final Touches: Communication and Post-Party Follow-Up

  • Save the Date: Once you’ve finalized the details, send out a clear and concise digital or printed save-the-date invitation with all the essential information like date, time, location, and RSVP deadline.
  • Spread the Cheer: Promote the party on your company’s internal communication channels to generate excitement. Tease some of the planned activities or decorations to pique everyone’s interest.
  • Post-Party Appreciation: After the party, send a thank-you note to all attendees and express appreciation for their participation. You can also share photos from the event to create lasting memories.


A Festive Finale: Hosting a Corporate Holiday Party at the Utah Valley Convention Center

The Utah Valley Convention Center, located in Provo, Utah, can be your one-stop shop for hosting an unforgettable corporate holiday party. Their spacious and versatile event areas can comfortably accommodate large guest lists, while their experienced staff will handle all the logistical details, allowing you to focus on creating a memorable experience for your team. Imagine a festive wonderland bathed in twinkling lights, with delicious food stations lining the halls and a live band setting the mood for a night of laughter and merriment. The breathtaking mountain views surrounding the venue add a touch of magic to the occasion. With its state-of-the-art amenities and commitment to exceptional service, the Utah Valley Convention Center can transform your vision into a reality, ensuring your corporate holiday party becomes the highlight of the year for your employees.

So, grab your Santa hat, unleash your creative spirit, and get ready to throw a corporate holiday party that will be the talk of the town (or office)! With careful planning, a festive atmosphere, and thoughtful touches, you can create an event that strengthens team bonds, fosters goodwill, and leaves your colleagues feeling cherished and appreciated.


Planning a corporate holiday party requires effort, but the rewards are plentiful. A well-executed event fosters camaraderie, boosts morale, and shows employees their contributions are valued. By following the steps outlined in this guide and considering the unique needs of your company and employees, you can host a memorable celebration that everyone will enjoy.

For companies located in Utah County, the Utah Valley Convention Center presents a fantastic venue option. Their spacious halls, modern amenities, and central location make it an ideal space to host a festive and unforgettable corporate holiday party.

Remember, the holiday season is a time for giving back. Consider incorporating a charitable element into your party, allowing your team to celebrate while also supporting a worthy cause.

By planning ahead, fostering inclusivity, and prioritizing fun, you can ensure your corporate holiday party creates lasting memories and strengthens the bonds within your team. So, get creative, embrace the festive spirit, and prepare to celebrate the season with your colleagues!

Bonus Tip:

Incorporate a feedback mechanism into your post-party communication. Ask attendees for their suggestions on what they enjoyed most and what could be improved for future events. This valuable feedback will help you continuously improve your corporate holiday party planning and ensure each year’s celebration is even better than the last.

By following these steps and embracing the spirit of the season, you can turn your corporate holiday party into a cherished tradition that strengthens team bonds and fosters a positive and productive work environment throughout the coming year. Happy Holidays!